As a business leader, you’ll know that your employees are your most important asset.
The Association for Talent Development reports that only 35% of organisations use a formal succession planning process. Given the ongoing skills gap and competition for talent, it’s more important than ever to focus on talent assessment and succession planning within your existing teams.
But when was the last time that you assessed the coverage of the existing talent in your organisation and considered your succession plans? Can you identify the top talent in your business? Do you have robust plans in place to retain that talent? Do you know who your rising stars are and how to develop them so that they can become your leaders of tomorrow? Perhaps you have a problem with underperformers but aren’t sure how to manage these people and raise expected levels of behaviour?
Watch our free 30-minute webinar, to find out how to undertake a talent assessment process and use the results to develop succession plans.
Our HR Consultant, Anna Clapton, shared a live case study example of a project we’ve recently completed for a financial services organisation. In the webinar, she shared details of how to:
In the meantime, why not watch our previous webinars which you can find here.