Recently, there has been a well documented move away from the traditional Annual Appraisal, with its rating system and links to pay and reward. Indeed, we have featured articles on this topic in previous editions of CurveMail.
It’s all very well saying that the Annual Appraisal doesn’t work, but what are people replacing it with? What is working?
Here at The Curve Group, we have been working with a number of our clients to find practical alternatives to the Annual Appraisal. This is especially important now, as amongst other factors, Brexit is having an influence. Organisations are anticipating the biggest change as a result of Brexit to be increased competition for well-qualified Talent. This is turn makes it even more important to ensure that businesses have plans and processes in place to further develop existing employees.
At The Curve Group we separate our Performance Review Process from activities to assess Talent and to reward people.
Read about similar approaches we have successfully introduced into a number of our client organisations here.
If you’re interested in finding out more about how we can help you with the strategic and operational aspects of your Recruitment and HR management i.e. with your people, we would love to hear from you.