Introducing Our Career Kick-Off Workshops
We developed our Career Kick-off Workshops as a way to give back to our wider community. By utilising our professional HR and Recruitment expertise, we have curated a great and accessible programme to support those who could benefit from guidance on how to kick off their careers.
Career Kick-Off Workshops are run by trained members of our team who bring relevant on-the-ground experience and are super approachable and engaging.
What Is A Career Kick-Off Workshop?
- A one-hour workshop that can be delivered over zoom or face-to-face (depending on location)
- Aimed at those that would benefit from support with job searching or starting to think about their career options
- Suggested age profile is from 15 – 21 years, but we are also very happy to support a broader age range if you have a cohort that would benefit from the content
- We can deliver workshops for both charities and educational providers and have previously delivered session with NCS, Banbury College and Brighton University

Modules We Cover In The Career Kick-Off Workshops:
- Creating and developing your personal brand
- Considering your future options
- How to make your CV look fabulous
- Maximising your job search
- Preparing for interviews
- Taking action on your future

Thank you for running the Career Kick Off session, it’s much appreciated and I know they took a lot away from it!

If you’d like us to deliver Career Kick-Off Workshops for your organsiation, fill in the form and the team will get in touch.